George Hutter

George Hutter

Senior Business Consultant

George plays a leading role in investment strategy and consulting, working with our team and clients to carefully manage portfolios in a manner designed to mitigate risk throughout the market cycle. He has extensive experience in navigating financial markets over time and managing assets effectively for retirees. His goal is to maintain clients’ ability to live a financially healthy and flexible retirement over time.

Rigorous analysis enables George to help manage client portfolios and offer investment strategies customized to the needs and circumstances of each client. His creative vision and strategic thinking work together to help our team and clients plan out not just for many years but for several decades.

George has more than 15 years of financial industry experience. He and Lee founded the Henderson Hutter Group together at Merrill Lynch before transitioning the team to Raymond James in 2019, drawn by the flexibility the firm allowed in managing investments and client relationships. He is a graduate of Tulane University, where he earned degrees in political philosophy and economics.

George is originally from Connecticut and now lives in Austin, Texas. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, photography, travel and attending live music festivals and concerts. George has been actively involved in volunteerism and served as a board member with many community organizations throughout his career.

Q&A: Personally speaking

  • Q. What is your favorite kind of trip? Why?
    Getting up to the mountains to be alone in nature and challenge myself. The more remote the better!
  • Q. What’s the one thing you couldn’t live without?
    My relationships with my friends and family. I’m very fortunate to have a good crew of people around me.
  • Q. How do you define success?
    I view success as continual growth balanced with enjoying the present as fully as possible.